About the Song

Chasing dreams brought someone to Los Angeles, believing it was the place where hopes would flourish. However, the reality proved different, leaving them feeling lost with no clear direction and just enough money to get by. The line "All of these pennies can't do nothing for me" highlights the frustration of struggling when things aren't going as planned. Repeating "I'm stuck in L.A" conveys the feeling of being trapped in an unexpected and challenging situation. In their quest for hope, they wonder, "Where's the rainbow? Where's the rain?" reminiscing about past dreams and longing to move past a vision that didn’t turn out right. This story captures the emotional journey of pursuing big aspirations and facing the disappointment when reality falls short.

Album cover for Stuck In LA


Now it shows
How I feel
Stuck in L.A to me the sun's kind of chill
Where to go?
Where to sleep?
All of these pennies can't do nothing for me
I'm stuck in L.A
Does it get better?
It's taking forever
I'm afraid
I'm stuck in L.A
Are we still together?
We're losing each other
I'm afraid
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